The Regulations and the second anchor

The regulations impose an anchor only on boats with more than 4 people aboard.In practice, it is necessary that all boats have an anchor on board. Other than the fact it permits foreign moorings, the anchor also helps deal with emergencies in bad weather (damaged engine or sails.) Even if the second anchor is not mandated by law, it is important to have one on board. The hold of an anchor depends on the bed (rocks, seaweed, sand…)we therefore strongly advise a second anchor, different from the first. The two anchors are thus complementary.


The different types of anchors

Standard plow, non articulated, flat, grappling, light…which to choose ?

The perfect anchor does not exist for all beds; if it did we would know. This though, does not infer that all are equal and that we should simply choose the least expensive. All tests made by experienced sailors suggest that models with a concave shovel, nonarticulated and tip weighted (such as the MPI brake,) have a superior hold to other models regardless of the bottom; their concave form providing more traction. The plow anchor (such as the Delta,) hold slightly less but still well. A flat anchor is designed for sand and mud but slips under too much pressure and struggles to reattach. Grappling work well on seaweed but are principally reserved for mooring dinghies or fishing boats (someone vigilant always on board.)Light anchors have a minimal hold on sand or muddy bottoms. This type of anchor must be used with weighted cord.

Anchor comportment

A flat anchor, under significant traction, turns, rises vertically and has little chance of reattaching. A plow anchor, in the same conditions, drags (creating a groove.) The new generation concave anchor (non-articulated and strongly weighted on the tip),under heavy pressure, sinks and if it skids will reposition point forward. The only drawback on the new generation is, as on light anchors, they require a long chain (see chain section.)
Professional Advice
“Light anchors offer a good hold and are easy to manipulate. They are ideal for a day mooring.”